Liposuction (VASER)

Vaser liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that removes unwanted fat from the face, neck, arms, trunk, and legs. It is the best technology for getting the smoothest and contoured results.

During Vaser liposuction, Dr. Cho makes small, well-concealed incisions in the skin of the areas being treated. Ultrasound energy is then used to break up the fat cells, which are then suctioned out of the body.

Vaser liposuction is a safe and effective procedure that can help you achieve your aesthetic goals. It is also a relatively painless procedure, with most patients reporting only minor discomfort.


  • Causes less trauma to surrounding tissues
  • Less blood loss
  • Allow for easier removal of fat
  • Faster recovery
  • Reveal underlying musculature for a more athletic and toned appearance

Complimentary Procedures

  • Fat grafting: preserves the viability of fat cells to allow for fat grafting to other ares of the body like face, breast and buttock
  • Renuvion skin tightening procedure to maximize skin retraction and minimize skin laxity
  • Excess skin excision

Ideal Candidate

  • Healthy lifestyle but cant get rid of stubborn areas of fat
  • At or close to deal body weight


At your consultation with Dr Cho, we will get a weight and height to calculate your body mass index and make sure you are healthy for the procedure. She will focus on discussing what areas of the body are most concerning to you and come up with a customized strategy for the most harmonious result. Dr. Cho will assess the areas of concern, noting the quality, laxity and whether you have excess skin that needs to be removed simultaneously or if you need an adjunct procedure like Renuvion to produce maximal skin retraction.


  • 1-2 weeks. final result can take up to 3 months for swelling to resolve

Pre- and Post-Op Care

  • Stay healthy and maintain good diet and do not smoke
  • We will order customized compression garments which you will have to wear for up to 6 weeks
  • Ocassional need to place drains which can stay in up to one week
  • We recommend a package of lymphatic drainage massage with one of our licensed estheticians postoperatively


  • Cost varies depending on how many areas of the body require treatment and whether adjunct procedures are required


  • How painful is the procedure? Most patients will take some form of pain medication for the first week. Compression garments will help with the soreness as well. 
  • If I get liposuction, will it grow back somewhere else? Liposuction is a permanent removal of total number of fat cells. However, if you gain weight, those fat cells can still increase in size. If you liposuction just your abdomen and not address the love handles, if you gain weight, you may notice a disproportionate growth in you flanks since that area was not treated. That’s why its important to consult with a plastic surgeon that understands proportions of the body, treat them as a unit inorder to get the most harmonious and beautiful long lasting result. 

Renuvion Skin Tightening

The best in class technology for skin tightening of face, neck, arms, trunk and thighs.

Renuvion combines radiofrequency and helium to create a plasma that targets the fibroseptal network under the skin to shrink and tighten loose skin.


  • Maximal skin tightening
  • Short recovery time
  • Minimal pain
  • No visible scarring

Ideal Candidate

  • Healthy, nonsmoker, at or close to their ideal weight
  • Minimal to moderate degree of skin laxity of face,neck, trunk, arms and thighs
  • Good skin quality with minimal stretch marks
  • Gives an alternative for patients that aren’t candidates or quiet ready for more invasive surgeries for skin tightening


Dr Cho will assess the amount of skin and quality of your skin in the areas of concern. Will discuss expectations as some may be better served trading for a larger scar with skin excision for maximal result.


  • 1-2 weeks but final results takes up to 3-6 months

Pre- and Post-Op Care

  • Stay healthy and maintain good diet and do not smoke
  • May recommend a series of skin rejuvenating treatments with one of our estheticians to improve the quality and health of your skin for the best results
  • We will order customized compression garments which you will have to wear for up to 6 weeks
  • Ocassional need to place drains which can stay in up to one week


  • Cost varies depending on how many areas of the body require treatment and whether adjunct procedures are required

Surgery is a big decision.

We are here to answer any questions you have and help you determine the right choice for you. If you are considering surgery, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Cho today. She would be honored to discuss your goals and help you achieve the look you desire.