Tummy Tuck



  • Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat and skin of the abdomen, and in most cases can restore weakened or separated muscles (diastasis), thus creating a firmer and more smooth abdominal profile. Typically done in the hospital or surgery center under general anesthetia. Scars is well hidden in the belly button and below the underwear line. 


  • A flat and well-toned abdomen
  • Remove excess skin and fat that exercise or diet alone cannot achieve.
  • Restore you to a pre-pregnancy body.
  • Surgically tighten rectus muscles that have separated (diastasis repair) as a result of excess weight gain or pregnancy.
  • Remove some stretch marks if they are on the portion of skin that will be removed. Keep in mind sometimes not all stretch marks will be removed with surgery.

Ideal Candidate

  • You are physically healthy and at a stable weight and close to ideal body weight
  • You have realistic expectations
  • You are a nonsmoker
  • You are bothered by the appearance of excess loose skin of abdomen
  • No plans for future pregnancies


  • During your consultation, Dr. Cho will assess your current medical history, including medications, vitamins and herbal supplements you take, alcohol, tobacco, and drug use.
  • Review prior surgeries you’ve had.
  • Discuss your surgical goals.
  • A full physical examination including assessing excess skin and fat. She will also look for signs of muscle weakness or separation and also look for hernias of the abdominal wall that might add some complexity to your personalized surgical procedure.
  • Your safety with all procedures will always be the first priority.
  • Photographs may be taken.
  • Discuss risks, benefits, and alternatives of all your options.
  • Discuss potential complications.
  • Have time to review and sign a surgical consent form.


  • 4-6 weeks
  • After surgery, there will be specific dressings and bandages to be left in place.
  • You may have one or two small clear silicone tubes (“drains”) which may help drain excess fluid following your tummy tuck. You will be taught how to maintain and empty these and keep an accurate record of the drainage.
  • You may have an abdominal binder and/or additional compression garments that are designed to help minimize swelling following surgery.
  • You will be given specific instructions for medications to take to both control your pain and aid in healing or reduce the risk of infection.

Pre- and Post-Op Care

  • Do not take any blood thinning medications for 1 week before surgery: these include aspirin, NSAIDs, ibuprofen/motrin, naproxen. Also avoid any herbal supplements or vitamins which can prolong bleeding.
  • Do not smoke or vape or take nicotine-containing products before or after your surgery as they can impair the healing process.
  • You will typically be allowed to sponge bathe, but do not shower until the drains come out or until cleared by Dr. Cho
  • Wear your binder/compression garments at all times if possible.
  • Take medications as directed.
  • Avoid heavy lifting as directed by your surgeon.
  • Come to all postoperative visits as scheduled.


  • What is a mini tummy tuck? For those with small amount of loose overhanging skin from a c section may be a candidate for a mini tummy tuck which is a smaller operation with less downtime. Mini tummy tucks can be done awake in the office. Recovery is one week. We will counsel you and discuss whether this is a good alternative surgery to meet your goals and expectations. 
  • What will my belly button look like? In most cases, your native belly button will be preserved and the over lying skin will be redraped and a new hole will be created to inset your own belly button. When done correctly, this should give you a natural appearing belly button with a well concealed scar. 
  • When can I resume normal activities and exercise? Usually takes 4-6 weeks to heal from this operation but if you require a muscle tightening procedure, you should avoid activities that exert your abdominal muscles for up to three months to allow full healing. 
  • How long will I have drains for? Most need two drains, one on the right side of incision and one on the left. The right drain is usually removed at one week and left drain at two weeks. 
  • When will I be able to return to work? If you have a desk job, you can return once all drains are removed, at two weeks. if you have a more physical job requiring heavy lifting, we suggest taking 4-6 weeks off. 

Surgery is a big decision.

We are here to answer any questions you have and help you determine the right choice for you. If you are considering surgery, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Cho today. She would be honored to discuss your goals and help you achieve the look you desire.