Hair Health


Hair loss or hair thinning can cause a significant impact on ones self image and well being. Fortunately there are many options for hair restoration to manage and prevent hair loss. 

Are there different types of hair loss in women?

Most common types of hair loss:

  • Female pattern baldness aka androgenic alopecia: most common type of hair loss amongst women. Starts with gradual thinning at the part line followed by diffuse hair loss radiating from the top of the head. Affects some 30 million women in the US. Can be seen at any age after puberty but most commonly affect post-menopausal women.
  • Alopecia areata: autoimmune in nature, where immune system attacks the hair follicles and may be brought on by severe stress. Hair loss occurs with one or more circular patches that overlap.
  • Telogen effluvium: occurs when hair loss occurs after a stressful experience (stress can push a large amount of hair follicles into resting phase). This can occur due to stress of surgery, childbirth, or serious illness.
  • Anagen effluvium: hair loss during the first phase of hair’s growth cycle (anagen). Rapid hair loss caused by certain drugs used for chemotherapy or when exposed to toxic chemicals.

What causes hair loss in women?

Potential causes include physical or emotional stress, medical conditions (hypo/hyperthyroidism), nutritional deficiencies (iron), treatment with chemotherapy agents, or autoimmune disease. Most common cause of hair loss in women is androgenic alopecia, which is due to excessive androgens. Androgens are important part of male sexual development and are important in both sexes for regulation of sex drive and hair growth. Some patients have a genetic predisposition for hair loss and risk of hair loss increases with age.

When should a woman see her doctor about hair loss?

Women should seek out medical care about hair loss when they first notice thinning or changes in their quality/texture of hair. There are several treatment options and medications that can be given to help curb and stop the hair loss from getting advanced.

How do you diagnose hair loss?

Hair loss is usually a clinical diagnosis after a thorough history and physical are taken. Examination of the scalp is very important as well to help to determine the type of hair loss. The pattern of baldness whether it is in patches or diffuse can help clinicians establish a diagnosis. Some physicians may want to view the scalp under a microscope and take scalp biopsy. Labs may be necessary if one is concerned that medical conditions ( hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, iron deficiency, zinc, Vit D, Vit B) are leading to hair loss. One can assess hormone levels if there is concern for excessive androgen production (like a androgen secreting tumor).

Are there treatments you recommend for women who experience hair loss?

First and foremost one must exclude alopecia as caused by a medical condition that is easily treated, rule out nutritional deficits and remove any offending medications that can lead to hair loss.

Platelet rich plasma is becoming a popular preventative and treatment plan for hair loss associated alopecia areata and androgenic alopecia. One has to be diligent to keep getting maintenance injections of PRP. Several treatments are required to see the affects in about 3-6 months. These treatments help prevent further loss of hair and patient’s state they do notice thickening of individual hair and improved quality after PRP injections. At our practice, we have been combining the PRP injections with an oral supplement called Viviscal pro which is a 100% drug free hair growth supplement.

Another treatment option is hair transplant, in which follicles are taken from posterior scalp (usually good hair bearing area in both men and women) and the transplanted as units to areas in need of hair. This treatment does require patience as it does take up to 1 year to see the outcome of the transplant due to the growth and shedding phase of the transplanted follicles.

Other medications are avail both topically and orally as well.

Let Dr Cho help you understand the causes of hair loss, recommend best multimodal treatment plan for you and be a trusted resource to refer you to qualified hair transplant providers.